Hygiene Sanitary Cleaning Services Sdn Bhd, 645396-W (HSCS) a company having being registered under the Business Registry Act 1965, is incorporated since 12th March 2004.
Formerly, under the stewardship of the sole propriety company, “Hygiene Sanitary Cleaning Service”, established since 1984, HSCS undertakes the Pre-Contract Initial Cleaning, Monthly Contractual Cleaning and Maintenance Services of Industrial and Commercial Buildings, office blocks, shopping complexes, schools, banks, showrooms, entertainment outlets and etc. in the Klang Valley, northern region (Penang) and southern region (Johor)
In addition, HSCS caters for one time Sub-Contract works of major construction, renovation and upgrading Contracts. We provide total solutions for the cleaning, polishing and burnishing of all types of floors, high rise windows, glass cladding, carpet shampooing, toilet sanitary, common compound up-keeping and many more.